Video, Marketing & Sales Optimization Tips - WireBuzz Blog

WireBuzz Crew Talks About National TV Commercial Shoot (Ep. 289)

Written by TODD HARTLEY | Oct 22, 2020 4:48:22 PM

As I mentioned in my last podcast episode, video marketing requires a digital strategy. And having a strategy for a video shoot is no different.

Successful shoots require location scouts, storyboards, contract negotiations, and a WHOLE LOTTA planning! Pre-production is key to getting quality footage that aligns with the video’s goals, and at WireBuzz we don’t just wing it, we pre-plan to capture something AMAZING! We wouldn’t offer our clients anything less.

Plus, we have a team huddle after every shoot to debrief and identify what we did well and what we could do better. Because there will always be learning opportunities. 

We recently shot a national TV commercial and the crew was kept on their toes! But we were prepared and are super stoked about the footage we captured. 

This week on the podcast I talk to WireBuzz Producer Alicia Longo and Director of Production Devon “Devo” Dresback about how they strategized for the big shoot. We discuss all of the wins and both team members weigh in on what we could improve on next time.

The process we consistently use to become the best in our industry was taught to us by my friend Dr. Jay Harness, one of the top cancer experts in the world, who recently joined me on Ep. 284 “How To Be The Best In The World.” You can find that episode on iTunes, Stitcher, or Google Play by searching “Video Marketing Mastery.”

Video is the most powerful tool in business and with the right strategy and execution we can consistently achieve our client’s goals.

“A satisfied customer is the best business strategy of all.” - Michael LeBoeuf

Click play to hear how we strategize during pre-production for high quality results that bring our customers back over and over again.

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NOTE: You can also listen to the episode here, or download the episode to your device (right click and save).

In This Episode, You’ll Learn:

  • Why it’s essential to have a strategy for your video marketing
  • What goes into pre-production for a video shoot
  • How WireBuzz prepares for a national TV commercial
  • What the crew learned on their most recent shoot

Links & Resources

  • Check out the WireBuzz remote sales page to see how we’re using video
  • Follow me on LinkedIn and let me know you heard the podcast!
  • Get our Free Video Marketing ROI course here

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