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Marcus & Jordan Planning

The Momentum Method

Our Secret to Binge-Worthy Marketing Experiences

For a brief overview of our "secret sauce,"  check out the page below. But to find out how it can work for your business, take our Predictable Revenue Scorecard and see how your business measures up!

Our Philosophy

To create content that actually sells, it must get prospects to know what you know and believe what you believe. Because once they do, buying should be a no-brainer. So the real challenge is holding their attention through your entire sales message.

The "On-Demand" Generation

Modern buyers prefer to learn on their own (at first)

The internet has changed how people make buying decisions. These days, every question is just one Google search away, which is making buyers increasingly unwilling to "subject themselves" to a sales call...until they're ready to buy. 

Marketing teams are responsible for delivering more and more of your sales message, which means it must be clear, complete, and accessible. Buyers expect it. 


Attention is Selective

People have more options, not less attention

Despite what you've heard a million times from so-called "marketing gurus,"  human attention spans are not getting shorter. Attention spans are only short when deciding what to do from a large list of options. 

When it comes to attention-selection, you're not just competing with your industry rivals, but with cat videos,  sports highlights, and the latest Kardashian meltdown. 


The Power of Narrative

Use story structure to "read your prospect's mind"

But what happens after you get a prospect's attention? And how can you get them all the way through your sales message? The most common way to lose control is to say things out-of-order.

We solve that problem for clients by converting your marketing argument into a narrative sequence (see "The Momentum Method" below for more). It's not about telling a literal story, but using narrative structure as a tool to organize your message in a non-confrontational, momentum-building sequence.


The Momentum Method

Our proprietary, 5-step messaging framework helps you deliver your sales "argument" using a narrative sequence designed to keep prospects glued to the screen. 

The Conflict

What Prospects Care About NOW

Once upon a time, there was an unwilling hero focused on their own problems or desires. To join their story, the guide (your brand) must align with the hero's priorities.

Climactic Setup
The Obstacle

Identify the "Real" Problem

Early in the story, the guide teaches the hero a "Key Lesson" that later helps them win the final battle. What should prospects care about if they want to reach their goals? 

The Challengers

Address the Competitive Landscape

Before the hero can have a breakthrough, they must first reach the "all is lost" moment. All competing solutions must fail, reinforcing the "Key Lesson" they learned earlier. 

The Turning Point

Make Your Offer Feel Like an Epiphany 

The "Key Lesson" is climactically introduced as a key part of your offer, enabling the hero to reach their goals better, faster, and with higher confidence.  

The Final Battle

Eliminate Buying Resistance

With other decision-makers, priorities, and complexities to manage, there's a long way between "convinced" and "closed." Here we use content to keep prospects from stalling out at the bottom of your funnel.


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