How to Build Trust and Drive Sales By Answering Your Customer’s Questions (Ep. 24)
by TODD HARTLEY, on May 26, 2016 2:03:00 AM
Every inbound marketer has heard the excuse: “We’ve tried creating content before, but it just didn’t work for us.”
Sound familiar?
The problem is made even worse when you listen to so-called “experts” make the claim that it can take up to two years to get ROI from your content.
This just fundamentally isn’t true — if you create the right kinds of content, your sales team will feel the impact immediately and you’ll be producing assets you can use for years to come.
The secret: answering your customer’s questions. Marcus calls this the “they ask, you answer” approach to creating content, and it lines up nicely with our very own approach to topic selection.
It all comes down to creating content that will help your sales team sell better, faster. And to do that requires alignment and cooperation between your sales and marketing teams.
Fortunately, creating the right content isn’t rocket science; anyone can do it.
In this episode of Video Marketing Mastery, you’ll find out how.
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In This Episode, You’ll Learn:
- How Marcus Sheridan turned his struggling pool business around by going all-in on content marketing
- How Marcus learned the inbound marketing philosophy from HubSpot
- Why there’s value in using content to “own the conversation” in your industry
- The relationship between content publishing and becoming a trusted leader in your industry
- Why Marcus believes in “they ask, you answer” as an approach for creating content
- How Marcus transitioned from selling swimming pools to founding the Sales Lion blog, where he teaches content marketing
- The story behind Marcus’s first video project and why he believes in video content
- The relationship between making videos and the perception of authority or celebrity status
- The most misunderstood aspect of inbound marketing
- How the act of producing videos helps you become a better communicator in all aspects of the sales process
- The biggest mistake Marcus sees when businesses start producing content and why you should always start with your buyers’ questions
- Why Marcus considers separate sales and marketing departments to be one of the great tragedies in business
- Why sales teams and marketing teams need to be aligned to create the right content
[clickToTweet tweet="'Initially content has a much bigger impact on sales than on traffic or lead generation' @TheSalesLion" quote="'Initially content has a much bigger impact on sales than on traffic or lead generation' @TheSalesLion"]
Links & Resources
- Marcus Sheridan’s blog: The Sales Lion
- HubSpot’s Free Inbound Marketing Certification
- Get our free Topic Selection Worksheet
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