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Ep. 405: Gated vs. Non-Gated Content

by WireBuzz, on Jul 2, 2021 7:24:23 AM

Ep. 405 Thumbnail

Have you ever gone to a website and found yourself struggling to access the information you need? Whether it’s the product info or pricing, there’s an annoying pop-up or form in your way. This is an example of gated content, which can cause friction on your buyer’s journey.

Gated content slows down your customers’ buying process and can make them want to look for other resources.


In this episode of Video Marketing Mastery, CEO Todd Hartley speaks with WireBuzz VP of Strategy Jason Fair about how you can use non-gated content and make accessing information easier for your prospects.

You want to be able to give your buyers the information they need, when they need it. And it’s up to you to get them to connect with what’s on your site and make their process easier. Then BOOM!  They will be ready to buy. 

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