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Ep. 421: Latest LinkedIn Survey on Remote Buying w/ Jordan Herelle

by WireBuzz, on Jun 28, 2021 8:29:14 AM

Ep. 421 Thumbnail

Lack of travel … cancelled conferences … face-to-face meetings gone by the wayside. Are you—and your quotas—feeling hindered by the current remote climate? Well, we have news for you. Remote selling is here to stay—but here’s the good part: there are a ton of opportunities to make that connection—and make the sale! 

In this episode of Video Marketing Mastery, CEO Todd Hartley speaks with WireBuzz Senior Strategist Jordan Herelle. They discuss some recently revealed statistics in consumer behavior and the exciting opportunities that exist to create strategies that will allow you to not only adjust to remote sales, but to dominate them. Jordan even has a special offer at the end of the video! 


Buyers are still spending, so it’s now up to sales teams to make the next move and create persona-based strategies and videos that will give customers all the information they would normally receive in face-to-face interactions. And BOOM! The customer is attended to, the sale is made, and there’s not even any lingering jet lag. 

For 20 minutes of free video learning check out Jordan’s page at www.wirebuzz.com/jordan

Check out Todd’s website for remote selling bootcamps, group trainings and on demand learning at www.toddhartley.com 



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