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Go behind the scenes for Todd's Tony Robbins Webinar (Ep. 240)

by TODD HARTLEY, on Jun 18, 2020 2:10:04 PM


Everyone has that one person they’ve always looked up to. For me, that person was Tony Robbins. As a kid, I would ride around in my grandpa’s car in LA and listen to Tony Robbins’ audiobooks.

So when I got the chance to work for Tony Robbins and his team, you can imagine how excited I was. Getting this opportunity took years of hard work and dedication to my craft, and man was I thrilled!

This week I did my second webinar for Tony Robbins’ Business Mastery audience. A few weeks back, I trained his internal sales and marketing team on how to create an effortless, on-demand buying experience using video to improve clarity and eliminate confusion. The work that myself and my team put into this production was next level, and this week I want to take you behind the scenes of production day.

My producer, Sarah Scott, walks you through this special day with plenty of laughs. She likes to make jokes at my expense. This is a fun bonus episode for all of my loyal listeners because you deserve to be along for the ride too! So sit back and enjoy a peek into production day here at WireBuzz on this week’s episode of Video Marketing Mastery.

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NOTE: You can also listen to the episode here, or download the episode to your device (right click and save).

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In This Episode, You’ll Learn:

  • What goes into producing a live webinar
  • Tips and tricks to make a production run smoothly

Links & Resources

  • Check out the WireBuzz remote sales page to see how we’re using video
  • Follow Todd and tell him you’re listening to the podcast on Linkedin
  • Gain access to our free Video ROI mini-course by signing up here 

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