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GoPro goes Mobile — But is it Too Late? (Ep. 74)

by TODD HARTLEY, on Apr 5, 2017 10:05:00 PM


A few years ago, GoPro was on top of the world. With the release of their flagship HERO cameras, GoPro made great strides in consumer-level video equipment. But after the camera company went public, things weren’t looking so great.

The problem?

They quickly expanded, but lacked the focus they needed to maintain stamina. And after years of layoffs, recalls, and failed investments, they’re finally admitting that they need to make a change.

According to CEO Nick Woodman, making GoPro more mobile-friendly is a step in the right direction — but will that be enough?

In this episode, I’ve invited our in-house tech expert and Director of Video Production, Stronz Vanderploeg, to share his thoughts.

Tune in to learn about GoPro’s potential fate, the latest update to Facebook Live, YouTube’s advice to advertisers, and more!

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NOTE: You can also listen to the episode here, or download the episode to your device (right click and save).

Weekly News Update:

  • Facebook Live is finally going beyond mobile, and will be accessible on desktops and laptops
  • As our attention spans shrink, advertisers need to consider creating video ads that are shorter than 15 seconds according to David Fischer
  • Twitter is thinking about offering a paid, ad-free subscription (listen to the podcast to find out why)
  • YouTube wants to help marketers better understand the effectiveness of their video ads
  • Facebook continues to look more and more like SnapChat with their new Story feature
  • GoPro is struggling to maintain their initial success, so they’re introducing new capabilities that are more mobile-friendly

Links & Resources

  • Don’t forget to listen to Episode 73 to make sure you’re using Facebook Live to your advantage
  • If you want to join us for a livestreamed strategy consultation, click here to tell me about your business
  • Want to make videos that get results? Sign up for our FREE Video ROI Mini-Course
  • Have you heard any interesting video marketing news that you’d like me to discuss on the topic? Tweet me @TheToddHeartly to let me know

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If you have any questions you’d like featured on the show, or if you would like to suggest an expert (yourself included!), please let us know HERE.


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