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How To Use Linkedin to Generate Leads With Richard Moore (Ep. 242)

by TODD HARTLEY, on Jul 2, 2020 2:29:06 PM


Linkedin has 260 million monthly active users worldwide and 40% of those users access the platform daily. With Hubspot finding that Linkedin is 277% more effective at generating leads than Facebook and Twitter, marketers need to know how to work the system.

Get this - Content on Linkedin receives about 9 billion impressions a week, but only 1% of those 260 million active users share content! MIND BLOWING RIGHT? That means about 3 million users are netting those 9 billion impressions.

So here’s what you gotta do: you have to consistently create great content that adds massive value to your audience. Over time, people will become familiar with seeing you in their feed and eventually come to trust you.

This week I speak with Linkedin Rockstar THE Richard Moore. We discuss best tactics for using linkedin to generate awareness, develop trust, and close deals. Richard is a startup consultant, investor and sales coach, and he teaches a course on the basics of Linkedin.

Right now is the “golden age” of Linkedin. Now is the time to get in the game before it’s too late. So sit back and listen to find out how you can start creating content to close deals on Linkedin today!

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NOTE: You can also listen to the episode here, or download the episode to your device (right click and save).

In This Episode, You’ll Learn:

  • Best practices for using Linkedin
  • What makes great content
  • How often you should post content
  • Which hashtags to use and why
  • How to pre-emptively knock down objections

Links & Resources

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