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How To Use Video To Crush Deals Faster with Tyler Lessard (Ep. 239)

by TODD HARTLEY, on Jun 11, 2020 2:49:56 PM


If you’re a sales rep it can be hard to know which prospects are ready to buy. And if you’re sending them personalized videos, wouldn’t it be helpful to know which prospects were REALLY interested...and which ones not to spend your energy on?

Conventional wisdom says that “Knowledge is Power.” But Michael Schrage, a Research Fellow with MIT, says, “Knowledge is not the power...The ability to act on knowledge is power.”

So let's say you know who is watching your video and for how long. What do you do with that knowledge?

Vidyard is a tool that gives you the knowledge to know what your prospects are doing when you send them personalized videos. You are able to track viewing activities on the back end and collect data that will help you decide how to take action. With this tool you are able to easily identify which prospects to spend your time on.

When I started doing this at WireBuzz I cut my sales cycle down from 9 weeks to 3, making my sales team more efficient and able to crush even more deals!

On this week’s show, I talk with Tyler Lessard, VP of Marketing at Vidyard. Vidyard is a pioneer and leading global provider of video technology for marketers, sales teams, communications and corporate learning. We discuss how to track your prospects’ responses to video, how long your video holds their attention, and how to leverage the data to speed up your sales cycle.

If you want to leverage the knowledge of what prospects are doing with your video to ACT, take a listen and find out how to crush deals faster!

If you like the show, please leave us an honest rating and review on iTunes. You’d really be helping me out!

NOTE: You can also listen to the episode here, or download the episode to your device (right click and save).

In This Episode, You’ll Learn:

  • How to speed up your sales process using data from your videos
  • Ways to track your prospects’ response to your videos
  • How to connect your CRM for better reporting on what videos close deals
  • Where to download Vidyard and how to use it
  • How to use show and tell video to decrease your sales cycle

Links & Resources

  • Sign up to attend Vidyard’s Fast Forward Summit 
  • If you want to try out Vidyard for free click here.
  • Check out the WireBuzz remote sales page to see how we’re using video
  • Follow Todd and tell him you’re listening to the podcast on Linkedin
  • Gain access to our free Video ROI mini-course by signing up here

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If you have any questions you’d like featured on the show, or if you would like to suggest an expert (yourself included!), please let us know HERE.


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