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Make an impact at your next conference—with the power of video

by WireBuzz, on Jun 17, 2022 8:00:00 AM

Make an impact at your next conference—with the power of video (1)

Are you headed to a conference soon? 

Let WireBuzz help you maximize your presence with some valuable video assets. After all, according to Hubspot, 71% of consumers prefer video over other marketing content. So why not capitalize on that by producing video content that will help draw people to your booth, engage them while they’re there, and even provide some valuable takeaways to your peers who weren’t able to attend?

Hype up your audience before the conference

If you plan to have a presence at the event, you can generate some excitement with a hype video promoting your booth or presentation. Featuring fast clips, impactful text, and engaging music, this 30-60 second video will excite and energize your audience, leaving them wanting more. Post it on your social channels and website, email it to your prospects, and even post it on your YouTube channel if you have one. 


Liven up your booth with a dynamic video

Set your conference space apart from the rest with a booth loop that will play throughout the conference. Analytics by KISSmetrics found that audiences are more likely to retain 95% of a video’s message as compared to 10% if reading it in a document. So get your message out with this  2-3 minute video that is engaging, memorable and will have people talking. In fact, one of our clients won an award for best booth at a recent conference with their video. 


Get the experts on the record

If there is a well-known key opinion leader (KOL) at the conference, WireBuzz’s production crew can help you film an interview where the experts can share valuable information about your product and even walk them through their latest developments. Early adopters love to hear about interesting breakthroughs and your business can leverage this information to spread the word about your solution. 


Bring product theatre to your audience’s screens

Conferences aren’t just about connecting with the people who attended—it’s also about reaching the 90% who didn’t. Create an expert panel, presentation, or product demo, then record it. That way, you can send clips to your prospects and keep them up to speed on the latest news. 

If you need help developing an ROI-focused event strategy and creating videos that will engage and educate your prospects, schedule a free 15 minute strategy meeting.

Topics:ROIConference Strategy


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