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How to Use Music and Sound in Your Business Video (Ep. 95)

by TODD HARTLEY, on Jun 20, 2017 11:35:00 PM


Every once in awhile, we get a client that likes to grill our team on the types of equipment and software we use:

  • “Are you using the latest RED technology?”
  • “Do you shoot everything in 4K?”
  • “How many megapixels does your camera have?”
  • “So what kind of lenses do you use?”

They might think they sound like the video expert, but as soon as they start with questions like these, they unknowingly demonstrate their lack of sophistication with video production.

While video quality is important, they overlook the most important element of video: sound.

Though it’s much more subtle, sound can ultimately make or break a video. White noise, pops, echos, and muffled voices can all create big distractions, ruining the viewer’s experience.

Sound should work seamlessly with the visual elements of your video. Whether you’re recording audio, selecting the right voice over artist, or choosing background music, you can’t afford to let your audio be an afterthought during your next production.

That’s why I’ve asked Stronz Vanderploeg, our award-winning Director of Production, to share some helpful information about music and sound on this week’s podcast episode. Tune in!

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NOTE: You can also listen to the episode here, or download the episode to your device (right click and save).

In This Episode, You’ll Learn:

  • Why sound matters in video
  • How to capture the best sound during your production
  • How sound effects can increase emotion
  • What “sound design” means
  • Common mistakes to avoid when capturing sound during a video shoot
  • How to choose the right music for your video
  • What a good voice over artist can do to improve your production
  • Why you should test your audio’s sound with different outputs

Links & Resources

  • Tweet me @TheToddHartley if you’re a new follower and want to receive a personalized video from yours truly
  • Gain access to our free Video ROI mini-course by signing up here
  • Pitch us a question that we can answer in a future podcast episode
  • See what a @WireBuzz production looks like by following our crew across the country on Instagram

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