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How to Optimize The Most Important Pages of Your Website With Video (Ep. 111)

by TODD HARTLEY, on Aug 17, 2017 1:39:00 AM


You're leaving money on the table.

That's the bad news.

The good news: it's easy to fix this problem with video.

You just need to understand the importance of adding high ROI videos on the highest trafficked pages of your website... the "Homepage," "Product" page, and "About Us" page.

I call these, "Non-Perishable" videos because 90% of your audience will see these.

But here's the thing...

Attention spans are shorter than ever, so you'll need videos that are attention-grabbing and pull people through the buyer's journey.

(hint: people are 144% more likely to buy after watching a product or service video).

So how do you "hack" people's attention, convince and convert them into customers?

That's what we'll dive into in this week's podcast episode.

PLUS — I'll be joined by my wife, Wendy, to answer your questions about video marketing, such as:

  • How long does it take to make a great video?
  • How do you price shop for the best video production vendor?
  • What are some tips to beating out your competitors?
  • And much more...

Video Thumbnail

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NOTE: You can also listen to the episode here, or download the episode to your device (right click and save).

In This Episode, You’ll Learn:

  • What the lightbulb moment was that spawned me to create WireBuzz in 2010.
  • How long does it take to make a great video?
  • How do you price shop for the best video production vendor?
  • What the new LinkedIn native video feature means for marketers, and how to use it to become a recognized expert in your industry
  • The two types of video quality, and which one deserves the majority of your budget
  • Tips to separate yourself from your competitors using video

Links & Resources

  • Gain access to our free Video ROI mini-course by signing up here
  • Tweet me @TheToddHartley if you’re a new follower and want to receive a personalized video from yours truly
  • Pitch us a question that we can answer in a future podcast episode
  • See what a @WireBuzz production looks like by following our crew across the country on Instagram

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If you have any questions you’d like featured on the show, or if you would like to suggest an expert (yourself included!), please let us know HERE.


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We're sales and marketing nerds who combine sales psychology with storytelling to produce binge-worthy buying experiences. Learn More →

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