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Remote Selling Secrets - Todd’s Speaking At Tony Robbins’ Business Mastery! (Ep. 337)

by TODD HARTLEY, on Dec 10, 2020 6:06:14 PM

Ep 327 Thumbnail

You know how you can’t get in front of prospects any more? You know how Covid pushed everyone to work from home and changed how businesses sell their products or services? 

Well I know the secrets for selling in this new world - using the power of video - to create an effortless, on-demand buying experience and how to leverage your sales steam to help. 

AND…I’m going to be teaching my secrets at Tony Robbins’ premiere business leaders event, Business Mastery, March 19-24, 2021. 

This event is perfect for you:

  • If you are struggling to close deals
  • If you need help transferring your product knowledge 
  • If you need to up your sales and marketing game 

I’m going to be dropping a massive knowledge bomb right into the middle of Tony’s Business Mastery event, all designed to lift up your business to new levels. 

In this episode I’m going to tell you the backstory of how I persevered to get on the big stage...even though I got rejected 3 times. I didn’t stop! Instead of feeling rejected, I upped my game during Covid and shut down any limiting beliefs that were affecting me. I pivoted my messaging and started SERVING the audience using video on LinkedIn every day and you know what? Tony asked me to do a webinar event and then train his internal sales and marketing team. BOOM!

And then his team started crushing their goals!!

The point? Don’t give up on yourself. 

The vision I’ve always had about myself - is of me speaking on the biggest stage in the world. I’m about to make that dream come true. You can overcome anything - click play to find out how.

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NOTE: You can also listen to the episode here, or download the episode to your device (right click and save).

In This Episode, You’ll Learn:

  • How to overcome limiting beliefs to reach your goals
  • Why “no” doesn’t always mean the answer is NEVER!
  • What I did to change my mindset and pivot my messaging
  • How to persevere and overcome adversity

Links & Resources

  • Follow Todd Hartley on Linkedin and let him know you’re listening!
  • Gain access to 20 minutes of free video coaching here
  • Follow WireBuzz on Linkedin, Facebook, and Twitter

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