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Social Video: How to Use Video Effectively On Social Media (Ep. 64)

by TODD HARTLEY, on Feb 23, 2017 9:21:00 PM


Hard to keep up, isn’t it?

The role of social media continues to evolve at a frenetic pace, but many marketers are still using these platforms like they did back in 2010.

Here’s the approach practiced by 90%+ of brands: broadcasting sales-oriented content and promoting their products directly on social media.

In other words, marketers are using new media (Content and Social) the same way they’ve always used traditional media (TV and Print).

But as you probably know, social media offers a lot more than that.

With social, you have the opportunity to make real connections with real people, who can eventually become evangelists for your brand. However, you’re not going to get great results if your entire strategy is based on “broadcasting” content to your “audience.”

Instead, social media is best used as a tool for creating one-to-one, human-to-human connections with your prospects and customers. It’s all about giving your fans an opportunity to build relationships and interact with you directly.

And what better way to do that than with video?

Discover the role of social video (and social media in general) on this episode of Video Marketing Mastery!

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NOTE: You can also listen to the episode here, or download the episode to your device (right click and save).

In This Episode, You’ll Learn:

  • News Update: Mark Zuckerberg believes video has the same impact as mobile
  • Facebook launched a new Apple TV app for video that helps you stay updated on videos your friends'post, plus content that’s “based on your interests”
  • Podcast listener, Bill Kuper, let me know that Facebook is going to autoplay video with sound if a person’s phone isn’t on silent mode
  • News Update: Facebook users can now browse their news feed while simultaneously watching video to compete with other platforms for ad revenue
  • News Update: 61% of Snapchat’s content is video
  • News Update: Twitter has created a “Top Videos For You” section
  • News Update: Google’s automatic captioning service is increasingly improving — find out why
  • News Update: Speaking of Google, YouTube has captioned over 1 billion videos
  • News Update: Tinder has purchase Wheel’s signature product, a Snapchat-like video feature
  • How to use social video to grow your business
  • What everyone’s getting wrong about social video
  • Why you need to use social media as a one-on-one relationship builder, not a broadcast
  • Why you should avoid sharing promotional content on your social media accounts
  • When you should ask questions (and why it’s important to engage your audience)

Links & Resources

Free Bonus: Discover how to create videos that generate ROI with this free, 5-part video course. Click here for instant access!

Check out this shoot the team did at Loft19!

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