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The Future of Social Video: How To Stand Out In The Feed (Ep. 198)

by TODD HARTLEY, on Apr 23, 2019 2:07:00 AM


Companies that are using social to increase website traffic are unknowingly shooting themselves in the foot.

Superplatforms like Facebook, YouTube, and LinkedIn will punish you for posting third-party content — like linking off to your blog, capture page, or any external website — because it violates their goal of keeping people on-site (so they can serve ads and make money).

In other words, they don’t want non-native content published on their platform. So don’t post YouTube links on Facebook, and don’t drive people off YouTube within the first few minutes of your video.

Anytime you are successful at getting people to click away from the platform, you’re hurting that content’s chance of success and you’ll be demoted in the algorithms.  

So what’s the solution? Create native content.

Native content is content that’s designed for the specific social media platform it lives on. Not only is it a better experience for your audience, but you’ll also be rewarded by the algorithms with higher rankings and more exposure.

In this weeks episode, we sit down with Marcus Krieg, President of WireBuzz, and Tim Alwell, Strategist and Copywriter at WireBuzz to dive into social video and how you can stand out in the news feed.

We’ll also discuss the rising trend of influencer marketing. So hit that play button and tune into this week’s episode of Video Marketing Mastery!

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NOTE: You can also listen to the episode here, or download the episode to your device (right click and save).

In This Episode, You’ll Learn:

  • Why you must stop thinking of social as a traffic source (and what to do instead)
  • Why high-touch, high-impact strategies like webinars and live streams are worthwhile (even though they aren’t scalable)t
  • How to repurpose existing content so that it’s native on different platforms
  • The two sides of influencer marketing and how to use it to grow your business
  • Why LinkedIn video is a powerful tool for salespeople, marketers, and business leaders

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