The Five Zones: Harnessing the Power of Video through the Entire Sales Process
by WireBuzz, on Dec 16, 2021 6:04:50 PM
You know what sucks? When smart marketers give bad advice. This was the conundrum WireBuzz CEO Todd Hartley was faced with when he continually heard industry thought leaders claim that video can only be used to generate awareness and discovery. He knew he could do better, so he created five zones, leveraging the power of video through the entire sales process. This big-picture philosophy allows sales and marketing teams to attract clients and also retain them.
In this video, Todd breaks down these five zones and explains how you can leverage the power of video in each one.

Let’s get into it.
Zone #1: Discovery and awareness
This is the most popular zone, using video to make that key introduction and make the initial connection. These videos can live on social media, ads, webinars, or even in emails.
Zone #2: The website
All that work you did in Zone 1 is paying off as you move into the next zone. Your prospects are now on your website, and you will continue to hook them with three important videos:
- An overview video where you provide a big picture of what you provide
- A testimonial video offering real-world evidence of how your clients benefit from your product and services
- A next-steps video, showing your prospects where to go and telling them what to expect.
Zone #3: Sales and support
Have your sales team reach out to prospects with personalized videos to tee-up the relationship. This can include anything from a follow-up after a meeting to a quick video offering helpful advice.
Zone #4: Current Clients
This is a market that doesn’t receive as much attention as they should. You already have their loyalty, so sending them a personalized video upselling your services can reap enormous benefits.
Zone #5: Train your existing employees
An essential part of making video communication part of your entire sales process is to make sure your team has the skills they need to do it. It’s important to train your entire team on where, when, and how to do it. You can offer it onsite, or even do it remotely if you have employees who are not in the office. You can even quiz them at the end to see how they did.
To learn more about the five zones, visit our website at and fill out the form to schedule a free 15 minute meeting.