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Todd's Backstory: Ken Walls interviews Todd Hartley (Ep. 236)

by TODD HARTLEY, on May 21, 2020 2:30:00 AM


The National Center for Learning Disabilities states, “One in five children in the U.S. have learning and attention issues such as dyslexia and ADHD, but 48 percent of parents believe incorrectly that children will outgrow these brain-based difficulties, and 33 percent of educators say that sometimes what people call a learning disability is really just laziness.”

Couple learning disabilities with low self esteem and you can imagine why 18% of students with learning disabilities drop out of school and only 1 in 20 adults receive accommodations in the workplace. 

Take it from me...that’s a lot to overcome.

But I took my learning disabilities head on. After joining the SALT Center at the University of Arizona, I learned how to overcome my learning disabilities and even use them to my advantage!

And today, I run my own digital marketing agency and coach thousands of business owners from the stage.

This week on Video Marketing Mastery Ken Walls interviews me on my backstory. I talk about my humble beginnings in radio, building the first online medical encyclopedia, and overcoming adversity. 

Beating a learning disability is tough, but not impossible. If I can do it so can you! So if you want to get to know the “real Todd Hartley” and how I got to where I am today, sit back and hit play.

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NOTE: You can also listen to the episode here, or download the episode to your device (right click and save).

In This Episode, You’ll Learn:

  • How I overcame my learning disabilities 
  • What made me who I am today
  • Where I started my career and how it evolved
  • Why I eventually founded WireBuzz

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