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Using Relevance in Your Binge Worthy Video Content (Ep. 195)

by TODD HARTLEY, on Apr 3, 2019 2:01:00 AM


People expect hyper-relevant, personalized experiences. It's a major trend in marketing.

Take Netflix, Facebook, and YouTube for example. When you login to these platforms, you're greeted with relevant choices based on your past viewing history.

In a world where so many sales and marketing professionals are complaining that people have short attention spans, these super platforms are seeing insane increases in watch-time because they are feeding you MORE of what you want.

Great copywriters often say to "enter the conversation already taking place inside your prospect's head."

By aligning with your prospects immediate wants and needs, you demonstrate that you "get them," and THAT'S how you capture attention and pull people through your marketing message at faster rates.

Unfortunately, most brands are still speaking to everybody, and that's why Fortune 500 companies are crashing hard. Today, it's more important than ever for brand marketers to learn about direct-response and sales.

And it starts by getting clear on your message and strategic about how you communicate that message on your website and in your content.

In this episode, we sit down with Marcus Krieg, President, Sarah Scott, Producer, and Jordan Herelle, Marketing Content Manager to discuss how to create hyper-relevant, personalized content that your prospects can “binge” on-demand.

Plus, you'll learn how to weave storytelling, personalized video, and customer-centric marketing into your business for even better results.

So grab a pen and paper to take notes and tune in to this episode of Video Marketing Mastery!

In case you missed the first episode of this series, you can listen to that here: The Netflix Economy: How To Create Binge Worthy Buying Experiences

If you like the show, please leave us an honest rating and review on iTunes. You’d really be helping me out!

NOTE: You can also listen to the episode here, or download the episode to your device (right click and save).

In This Episode, You’ll Learn:

  • 6 ways to utilize relevancy with your audience for greater results
  • How to use personalized video as an ice-breaker and start a relationship (without having to find new leads)
  • Why product marketing is dead (and what you should be doing instead)
  • The most effective ways to tell stories in videos and why it’s worth the cost
  • The significance of Growth Drive Design and why it’s the future of websites

Links & Resources

  • Join the WireBuzz Insider Facebook Group here
  • Gain access to our free Video ROI mini-course by signing up here
  • Pitch us a question that we can answer in a future podcast episode
  • See what a @WireBuzz production looks like by following our crew across the country on Instagram

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We're sales and marketing nerds who combine sales psychology with storytelling to produce binge-worthy buying experiences. Learn More →

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