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The Right Way to Charm & Prospect New Business using Video (Ep. 186)

by TODD HARTLEY, on Jan 9, 2019 1:41:00 AM


There are two strategies salespeople can implement when prospecting for new clients.

One strategy involves blasting out hundreds of templated emails and making dozens of annoying cold calls hoping for a 2-3% response rate.

Chances are you’ve received an email or sales call like this within the past week (and deleted it without a second thought, or made an excuse to hang up).

Not very effective, right?

The second strategy, which we reveal on the podcast, is tremendously more impactful.

It may require more time and creativity, but it will help you stand out from all the other salespeople fighting for your prospect’s business.

Plus, it has the potential to get them falling in love with you before they ever meet you!

Our guest on the podcast is Jeff Howell, Director of Growth at AlayaCare — a company that offers a cloud-based software platform for home care agencies.

When he joined forces with AlayaCare, he inherited a database with 19,000 leads, most of which were cold and disengaged. But what he did to convert those cold leads into warm, highly-engaged contacts will amaze you.

(Hint: Jeff sent me a personalized video using similar tactics. You can see that video @ timestamp 1:03 in the video above).

Grab a pen and paper and prepare to take notes because you’re prospecting strategy is about to go next-level after you listen to this episode of Video Marketing Mastery!

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NOTE: You can also listen to the episode here, or download the episode to your device (right click and save).

In This Episode, You’ll Learn:

  • Jeff Howell’s favorite podcasts
  • How Jeff uses “persona-based marketing” to segment customers into different buckets
  • How Jeff sends high-touch, personalized video messages to prospects quickly and efficiently
  • Why it’s important to get customers to know, like, and trust you BEFORE they meet you
  • Jeff’s “Fake Google Result” prospecting strategy
  • How to implement Jeff’s strategy seamlessly with tools like LinkedIn, Wistia, and Vidyard

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