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Is Video Better at Driving Traffic or Closing Sales? (Ep. 50)

by TODD HARTLEY, on Nov 22, 2016 7:57:00 PM


If you’re new to video marketing, you might think that going viral is the epitome of success for a business video. When you see videos from companies like Dollar Shave Club or GoPro get millions of views, it’s easy to think that views are the best measure of effectiveness, when it should always be ROI.  

Don’t get me wrong. Video can be great for driving traffic, but most marketers fail to recognize one key ingredient: you need a sizable audience for a traffic-based strategy to work. Either that, or a big advertising budget.

That’s why we tend to steer our clients with small audiences toward videos that optimize their sales funnel.

But determining if your business should use video to drive traffic or close sales will depend on your needs and business goals.

To help you understand how you should be using video marketing, I’ve brought Marcus into the studio to discuss how effective video is at driving traffic and closing sales. You won’t want to miss this episode of Video Marketing Mastery!

Free Bonus: Discover how to choose profitable video topics for your business with this free worksheet. Click here for instant access!

Get the episode on iTunes: http://apple.co/2gBeiIn

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NOTE: You can also listen to the episode here, or download the episode to your device (right click and save).

In This Episode, You’ll Learn:

  • Why we typically recommend videos that drive sales, not traffic
  • What video strategy makes sense for your business
  • Why you need to seal the leaks in your sales funnel before driving traffic
  • The only 4 types of traffic that exist online
  • What you need to know if you’re using social media to engage with your audience

Links & Resources

  • Discover the most profitable videos for your business with our Topics Selection Worksheet
  • Here's a photo of me trying on our costumes for an in-house video shoot!

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