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How Video Fits Into The Buyer's Journey (Ep. 31)

by TODD HARTLEY, on Jul 14, 2016 2:21:00 AM


When was the last time you made a big purchase without doing your own research first?

People want the best, and they’re not going to take your word for it anymore.

Reading about products, looking up reviews, and checking out competitors are all a normal part of being a consumer today.

And that’s not all...

Don’t forget that people must first become aware of their problems or desires before they start researching. Only then can they make a decision.

These steps are all part of the Buyer’s Journey. And if you understand what your potential customers are going through, then you’re better equipped to make content that will quickly guide your customers through the buying process.

Not only does this method generate more ROI by helping you deliver your prospects the right content at the right time, but new tools like Wistia and HubSpot help businesses understand their prospect’s needs and behaviors like never before.

But even with these insights, you still need to make content that your prospects find valuable.

That’s why we brought in Jason Fair, WireBuzz’s Director of Content Development, to discuss the importance of making videos to complement the Buyer’s Journey.

Not only will we cover the basics, but we’re going to tell you exactly what types of video will help the buyer along the way.

This is an episode you won’t want to miss!

Get the episode on iTunes: http://apple.co/29OsPMn

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NOTE: You can also listen to the episode here, or download the episode to your device (right click and save).

In This Episode, You’ll Learn:

  • WireBuzz Update: Starting next week, WireBuzz is moving Video Marketing Mastery’s publishing date from Thursday to Tuesday
  • WireBuzz Update: we are also launching a YouTube show all about video marketing! To stay on top of all of our latest content, sign up for our newsletter at WireBuzz.com/subscribe
  • News Update: Since it’s release last week, Pokemon GO is taking over the world, making it both a revolutionary step in gaming and a brilliant marketing move
  • News Update: This past week, we saw the most significant use of live streaming to-date. With a live-stream of the death of Philando Castile, followed by  another live-stream of a sniper shooting in Dallas, Facebook has been forced to look at their real-time publishing technology in a whole new way
  • News Update: Rumor has it that YouTube has plans to launch a new online TV service with network giants like ESPN, ABC, and CBS–find out why
  • The benefits of using inbound marketing over more traditional outbound marketing methods
  • How understanding the Buyer’s Journey can help you create relevant, helpful content to attract prospects
  • How to use a buyer’s awareness stage to build demand for your solution
  • Why being helpful will get you further than trying to immediately sell
  • What the consideration stage means to businesses and marketers
  • Why you should wait for the right time to introduce your product or service
  • How you can use content during a buyer’s decision stage to convince your prospect and close the sale
  • Why WireBuzz takes a unique approach to creating content for the Buyer’s Journey by skipping the awareness stage–find out why it works
  • How metrics gathered through video will help your sales team understand where prospects are in the Buyer’s Journey
  • Why inbound marketing will help your sales team reach out to leads at the best possible moment
  • Which platforms will help you make the most of your videos

Links & Resources

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If you have any questions you’d like featured on the show, or if you would like to suggest an expert (yourself included!), please let us know HERE.


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