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What Is The Optimal Length for a Marketing Video? (Ep. 14)

by TODD HARTLEY, on Mar 17, 2016 1:30:00 AM


Be honest…

You want to know how long your videos should be, right?

I may not be a mind-reader, but it’s a question that comes up on literally every project we’ve ever worked on, so we know it’s important.

But what is ideal?

Does it vary based on the type of video?

Or are there clear guidelines you can follow to get the best results?

To answer these questions and more, I’ll be interviewing WireBuzz’s Director of Strategy, Marcus Krieg.

Find out what he has to say about the optimal length for marketing videos in this episode of Video Marketing Mastery.

Download the episode on iTunes: http://apple.co/1XN2TAh

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NOTE: You can also listen to the episode here, or download the episode to your device (right click and save).

In This Episode, You’ll Learn:

  • Why using aggregate data about “ideal video length” is a misguided approach
  • Why mobile device users watch videos longer than desktop users
  • The average video retention rate for marketing videos online
  • How long people typically watch videos
  • Why you should choose the right length for each video on an individual basis
  • The right criteria for choosing your video’s length
  • Why each video should have only one, primary objective
  • How to work backwards based on your video’s goal and what you know about your audience to create a script
  • What scriptwriters can learn from copywriters
  • Tips for getting attention and optimizing your video’s retention rate
  • Why you need to use a proven copywriting framework when writing your video scripts
  • Two copywriting frameworks you can use when scripting your marketing videos
  • What to do when your customers need more information than you want to include in a video

[clickToTweet tweet="'The perfect length for a video is just long enough to achieve it’s goal, and not a second longer.'" quote="'The perfect length for a video is just long enough to achieve it’s goal...and not a second longer.' -Marcus Krieg"]

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